Halfway across the world: New falling-film evaporator for Mackay Sugar

BMA plant for use in Queensland, Australia

From Braunschweig to Queensland: A falling-film evaporator from BMA has found its place in the Australian state, destined for Mackay Sugar, one of Australia’s leading sugar producers.

Falling-film evaporator from BMA for Racecourse Mill

Mackay Sugar, a member of the Nordzucker Group, focusses on innovation to increase the performance of its production sites. The company opted for installing a falling-film evaporator from BMA in the Racecourse Mill as well as in the related refinery. Depending on the campaign, this evaporator will be operated as needed, either for cane sugar production or in the refinery process. 

Increased efficiency and quality: The falling-film evaporator in operation 

This modern technology is to significantly increase the performance and the quality in cane sugar production as well as in the refinery process. By using the falling-film evaporator as steam transformer in the refinery, the efficiency of the existing plants shall be optimised and the overall productivity improved in this way. 

Joint project by Bundaberg Walkers and BMA 

The project benefits from the close collaboration with Bundaberg Walkers Engineering, BMA’s engineering partner for Australia and the Pacific region. It is Bundaberg Walkers’ responsibility to integrate BMA components and BMA technologies into an effective overall system. This results in a turn-key solution for Mackay Sugar, from planning and construction through to final implementation – a seamless process from design up to completion. 

Falling-film evaporator already in use at Millaquin Mill  

By commissioning this falling-film evaporator, Australia is introducing another advanced plant of this kind. At the same time, Bundaberg Sugar relies on proven BMA technology at the Millaquin Mill sugar factory, which also includes a large refinery.