
A 4-chamber VKT for the Hokuto Kitami sugar factory

The Japanese sugar industry has always expected very high standards from its suppliers. Sugar producer Hokuto opted for BMA as the supplier of a VKT that is to replace the batch pans presently installed in their factory.

Modernisation of sugar-house equipment

The rather limited and highly subsidised Japanese market is characterised by small factories with an average capacity of about 6,000 t/d of beet. Most of the sugar house equipment in these factories is very old and, although in a well-maintained state, now increasingly in need of modernisation. Higher capacities are of minor importance, because no additional areas will be made available for beet cultivation. Since the last parliamentary elections in December 2013, more government funds have gone directly to sugar producers, who have been using them to purchase new equipment.


BMA collaborates with local manufacturers

The sugar producer Hokuto, for instance, has commissioned BMA to supply and install part of the components for two 4-chamber VKTs, one each for A and B product for its factory at Kitami. The VKTs will have a diameter of 3.6 m and a massecuite throughput of 56 and 31 t/h, respectively. BMA’s supplies comprise massecuite pumps as well as calandrias, stirrers and double-cone bottom plates for the vapour chambers.

All other VKT components are produced by a local manufacturer. This saves cost, but is also due to the transport restrictions on the island of Hokkaido. The VKTs will be assembled in the factory by the local manufacturer, under the supervision of BMA site supervisors.

BMA’s engineering services comprise support with the design of the condenser and two strike receivers, in addition to the engineering for the equipment mentioned above. BMA will also supply a total of five B1750 L centrifugals for massecuite centrifugation.

Vapour re-utilisation for energy efficiency

An interesting aspect of the overall energy concept is vapour re-utilisation, which means that the vapour of the B-product VKT is compressed with motive steam (1.2–1.53 bar(a)) from the second evaporator effect to the required heating steam pressure of 0.375 bar(a) for the A-product VKT. This VKT is operated at a pressure of 0.1 bar(a) and a temperature of 45.8 °C. The B-product VKT gets its heating steam from the third evaporator effect (0.773 bar(a)) and is operated at a pressure of 0.23 bar(a) and 63 °C.

Production is due to start on 15 October 2014.

Henning Griebel
