
Review: annual meeting of BMA service technicians

February 2015 saw this year's annual meeting of BMA centrifugal service technicians in Braunschweig. It was an opportunity for the international teams to enhance their expertise and share experiences with colleagues from Braunschweig.

This year, more than 20 international service technicians attended the BMA meeting in Braunschweig. Given the steady increase in the number of centrifugal service technicians in all our subsidiaries, we offer presentations and workshops related to centrifugal technology as part of this event.

This year's meeting focused on new developments in centrifugal automation. In addition, all new colleagues received training on the E-series centrifugal testing station in the BMA workshop. This was followed by an open discussion between participants – an opportunity to discuss a range of problems and possible solutions as well as sharing practical experiences.

It is a major part of our concept that colleagues from different sites continue to share information and experiences – and that they actually meet. The relaxed afternoon programme and a dinner together with colleagues from Braunschweig were additional opportunities for extending these contacts.