
New Year message

We would like to wish all customers and business partners of the BMA Group a successful start to the new year.



Fake invoices sent in the name of BMA

Invoices are currently being sent by e-mail from an unknown third party in the name of BRAUNSCHWEIGISCHE MASCHINENBAUANSTALT AG.




New CEO for BMA America

With effect from 3 October 2016, Zhambul Zhuasbekov has been appointed as General Manager of BMA America, based in Greeley, CO.



XXIX ISSCT Congress 2016

This year’s meeting of the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) will be held in Chiang Mai, Thailand from 5 to 8 December. BMA will be among the exhibitors, with its stand B15, as well as presenting several papers.



Reducing disposal costs for sewage sludge

From 16.11 to 17.11.2016 industry experts will meet for the 7th annual VDI trade conference for sewage sludge treatment in Munich. The focus lies on statutory amendments and technical solutions for the mechanical or thermal treatment of sewage sludge. BMA will hold a presentation at the conference.



Closer to the action

After many weeks of preparation, the time had come: on 2 November 2016, BMA China’s new office opened in Nanning.



All for sugar

The Protestant Church in Germany is marking the 500th anniversary of the Reformation on 31 October 2017 with a number of theme years. Events include the Braunschweiger Andachten, a series of prayer services running over five years. This year's services are based around the verse "In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind" from the opening chapter of the Gospel of John.
