
Issue 55 of BMA Info online

If paper-free information is for you, you’ll be interested to hear that issue 55 of BMA Info is now available online. In its 26 articles with impressive illustrations offering you interesting views of the sugar industry, our corporate magazine once again shows clearly that BMA products and services are at home worldwide.



Have a good start!

For eight young people, 1 September 2017 marks a new chapter in their lives: the start of their apprenticeship at BMA in Braunschweig. They will be training as plant mechanics, electronics technicians for automation technology, and machinists.



Accepting responsibility

On 25 August, BMA and the “AntiRost” initiative, joint winners of the Braunschweig Chamber of Commerce’s 2017 “Social Transfer Prize”, were hosts to Lower Saxony’s Prime Minister Stephan Weil. BMA CTO Uwe Schwanke and Günther Hinterberg, who heads the AntiRost initiative, showed Weil around the historic factory complex where AntiRost have set up their workshops. A major topic of discussion was…


To the last detail

To the last detail

BMA Brazil: study to increase the extraction output of diffusers

Brazil is the number one sugar producer and exporter in the world. In this major market, BMA is represented by its subsidiary BMA Brasil Equipamentos Industriais – manufacturing the latest generation of centrifugals and providing engineering services.



Ready, get set – go!

BMA likes a challenge – whether it involves running races, playing football matches or towing oversized vehicles. Even in their spare time, BMA employees enjoy working as a team and crossing the finish line together.



Sought-after experts

In many sugar-producing regions, they are the most important industry events of the year: the meetings of sugar technologist associations.



Experiences that pay off

BMA supplies key equipment for Al Reef sugar refinery

The sugar industry in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA region) is growing: existing refineries are increasing their capacity and new plants are under construction. BMA is proud to be involved in many of these projects – such as the construction of the Al Reef refinery in Saudi Arabia. Our customer: Biomass Industries Associates (BIA).
