
BMA batch centrifugals of the latest generation for Tatarstan

In the wake of perestroika events, BMA‘s first important steps onto the Russian market were for sugar factories in Tatarstan. But it was not until several years later that the first major BMA equipment could be installed under the responsibility of reliable investors.

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BMA technology for Ukraine

Outdated technology, growing competition and fewer subsidies – the Ukrainian sugar industry is fighting for survival. By relying on affordable investment options from BMA, Ukrainian factories can enhance their efficiency.

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Optimisation of vacuum pans

Many sugar factories use vacuum pans that operate without process automation and without a powerful stirrer. BMA has the right solution that allows these vacuum pans to be optimised at relatively low cost.

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Optimisation of vacuum pans

Many sugar factories use vacuum pans that operate without process automation and without a powerful stirrer. BMA has the right solution that allows these vacuum pans to be optimised at relatively low cost.

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A 4-chamber VKT for the Hokuto Kitami sugar factory

The Japanese sugar industry has always expected very high standards from its suppliers. Sugar producer Hokuto opted for BMA as the supplier of a VKT that is to replace the batch pans presently installed in their factory.

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Key development area: fluidised-bed steam drier (WVT)

Fluidised-bed steam driers as an integral part of the energy concept for sugar factories bring more than just energy savings. This drying technology can also help dramatically reduce emissions and thus has excellent prospects. Which is why BMA has decided to place it at the centre of its development efforts.

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Ethiopian customer delighted with diffuser projects for sugar factories

BMA completes the order placed in 2012 by Metals and Engineering Corporation (METEC) for the delivery of two diffusers within deadline and wins follow-up orders.

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