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What started a few years ago with a contract for basic engineering has become reality: in December 2018, Dafeng Yinmore Sugar’s new refinery started production of very high-quality white sugar.



A vision becomes reality

Hulunbuir Shengtong Sugar Technology Co. Ltd. has been planning to expand its beet sugar business in Hulunbuir, the northernmost region of Inner Mongolia, since early 2017.



Home and dry!

The scope of our contract for construction of the new Egyptian Al Nouran sugar factory for Al Sharkiya Sugar Manufacturing (ASSM) is such that we have reported on its progress in several issues of BMA Info. Now, commissioning of the factory has just been completed.



Message from the board

Dear readers,


We are all familiar with it, from our own life and from those around us: growing up, leaving home, maybe starting a family, and possibly moving from a flat into a house – constant change. But if we did not constantly develop and learn, there would be no progress.



BMA ships world’s largest extraction tower

An extraordinary project: BMA completes the first of two extraction towers for Canal Sugar in Egypt.



More investments at Braunschweig: a new robotic welding system for BMA

Braunschweig. Coming soon to the production workshop of BMA Braunschweigische Maschinenbauanstalt AG at Braunschweig: a new robotic welding system.



Joint team building

Braunschweig/Voronezh. Colleagues from Braunschweig were invited to an exciting joint team-building workshop by our subsidiary BMA Russia. In a simulation game, “Bolshak”, Russian and German colleagues from the BMA Group got to know each other. They were able to demonstrate their negotiating skills and develop their team capabilities.
