BMA Info 53/2015


A successful year for BMA America

New projects and new colleagues in Colorado.

Breaking new ground in Central America

Last year, a total of four top sugar producers in Central America decided to upgrade their plants. They opted for BMA products – breaking new ground for sugar factories in the region.

Installation and commissioning of a pan seeding system

In the beet sugar industry, pan seeding systems have been established for a long time. BMA has now successfully applied the process in the cane sugar industry.

Manufacturing and service – BMA Brazil expands its capacities

In 2012, BMA set up its subsidiary BMA Brasil Equipamentos Industriais Ltda. – who has since gone from strength to strength. A new production and service centre opened in Indaiatuba in early September 2014.


BMA Info talks to Igor Djoukwé

A force, to be reckoned with

BMA MENA Industries are going from strength to strength as a design and service provider in the Middle East and North Africa.

Agrosnabsakhar – How a project turned into a big surprise

On first contact with the Agrosnabsakhar sugar factory, nobody at BMA could have foreseen how this collaboration would grow.

Russian pioneers – VKT for a competitive edge

The Russian sugar industry is driving the extension and upgrade of its production sites and BMA plays a key role in this development. The result: a significant increase in output.

Four companies, three continents, two years, one goal

Together with Etihad Food Industries, the BMA Group has got a large-scale project off the ground – collaboration at its best.

Innovations for better performance – A new drying and cooling plant

A good cooling and drying system is the key to high sugar quality. Reason enough for BMA to continuously enhance this equipment, launching new and innovative products on the market.

A premiere in Pakistan – Successful commissioning of two falling-film evaporators

Reducing consumption of resources to a minimum while enhancing performance – those were the objectives for a factory in Pakistan specified in the order JDW Sugar Mills Ltd. placed with BMA.

Indian Cane Power Ltd.– More revenue thanks to co-generation

Indian Cane Power Ltd. (ICPL) relies on bagasse for power generation. For several years now, BMA has helped the company implement its innovative concepts with numerous supplies of equipment.

Uzbekistan‘s most cutting-edge factory

The Angren Shakar refinery was commissioned in August 2014.

Expanding centrifugal production for China

In 2014, BMA China expanded its assembly range to include not only continuous centrifugals but also batch-type machines (see also BMA Info 52/2014). The model in question belongs to the well-established and reliable B series.

Centrifugals from BMA: Made in Germany

2014 was a truly international year, also for BMA‘s product business: customers on all continents opted for BMA centrifugals.

BMA Automation: a complex factory acceptance test

With the supply of the process control system including all key electrical equipment, BMA Automation was involved in the design of the new refinery in Iraq right from the start. The complex factory acceptance test was a major milestone on the path to the finished plant.

Scientific exchange across the globe – BMA at international conferences

BMA has been presenting the latest developments from current international sugar industry projects at conferences across the globe. The report on the upgrade and capacity extension of the ICPL cane sugar factory is a recent outstanding example.

Engineering projects for the cane and beet sugar industries

In the beet sugar industry, pan seeding systems have been established for a long time. BMA has now successfully applied the process in the cane sugar sector.

Overview of all articles


VKT in Japan successfully commissioned

BMA replaces batch-type vacuum pans at Hokuto

Heating pipes at the start of calandria piping
Heating pipes at the start of calandria piping

Energy-efficient vapour use

Since 2013, more and more state subsidies have been granted to the sugar industry in Japan. As reported in BMA Info 52/2014, these subsidies enabled the Japanese sugar producer HOKUTO to order from BMA supply and installation of two 4-chamber VKT (diameter: 3.6 m) for its Kitami factory, one each for A and B product. The scope of supplies comprised the massecuite pumps, calandrias and agitators, as well as proven DynFAS microwave units for measuring the dry substance content. At the same time, HOKUTO ordered five batch-type B1750L centrifugals for massecuite curing. One particular highlight of the overall energy management concept is the reuse of vapour. Using motive steam (1.2 – 1.53 bar(a)) from the second evaporator effect, the vapour from the B-VKT is compressed to the necessary heating steam pressure of 0.375 bar(a) for the A-VKT. This is operated at a sub-atmospheric pressure of 0.1 bar(a), which is equivalent to 45.8 °C. The B-VKT receives heating steam from the third evaporator effect (0.773 bar(a)) and is operated at a sub-atmospheric pressure of 0.23 bar(a) or 63 °C. The engineering services from BMA included the work related to the above scope and additional assistance in dimensioning the condenser and two strike receivers.

Assembly of agitator drive
Assembly of agitator drive


Close collaboration across borders

The VKT tanks were manufactured locally, saving shipping costs, but also because of the very limited and strictly regulated transportation options on the island of Hokkaido. Once the components manufactured by BMA had been delivered in summer 2014, both VKT were assembled on site, with an experienced BMA site supervisor present.

As is usual in Japan, communication between BMA and the customer was very close throughout the project, made possible with coordination from the Japanese representative Matsubo Corp. It included several visits by Japanese delegations to BMA in Braunschweig and to a number of sugar factories in Germany. These were aimed at familiarising the customer with the new technology and control system for the continuous vacuum pans, in preparation for the commissioning of the equipment.

Left: VKT under construction, Right: Project completed, VKT now integrated into factory building
Left: VKT under construction, Right: Project completed, VKT now integrated into factory building

BMA professionals completed this in October 2015 as scheduled, with the VKT and all centrifugals fully meeting the customer's expectations. Thanks to the intensive preparations and excellent process data, a performance run was started immediately afterwards, which the BMA equipment passed with flying colours.

To ensure that all machine operators would be able to handle the machines perfectly in different conditions, additional training and consulting services from BMA were agreed. Even after commissioning, HOKUTO can thus still benefit from the process expertise of BMA's engineers.

Jörg Schulte-Schrepping