
BMA MENA Industries step up activities

Since 2013, BMA MENA Industries have stepped up their activities in the Middle East and Northern Africa, to respond to an increasing demand for local services and engineering. Dr Mohsen Makina‘s team in Tunis today comprises almost 20 highly qualified and well-trained staff. BMA MENA have become an important contact for customers and new investors in the Sugar and Sweeteners field.

New offices in Tunis

To accommodate the growth in staff numbers, BMA MENA Industries have recently moved to new offices in Le Kram, Tunis. The new premises offer better communications facilities for the engineering network within the BMA Group, as well as providing sufficient room for meetings and future staff development.

Extended range of services for Cosumar S.A.

The long-time service agreement with Cosumar S.A., which has again been renewed, is evidence of BMA MENA’s successful growth. The Casablanca- based team are responsible for inspections, servicing and the supply of parts for 120 centrifugals in the Moroccan sugar producer’s cane and beet sugar factories and refinery. BMA MENA thus help ensure better availability of the machines, and therefore ultimately better factory operation.

Outstanding work for Savola Foods

BMA MENA were also able to provide hands-on support to the Saudi customer Savola Foods. When the construction of a beet sugar factory in the Egyptian city of Alexandria by another contractor ran into difficulties, BMA MENA took on the whole project. The tasks involved went beyond engineering services and assembly, including the entire project management up to the point of supervising the commissioning. In collaboration with colleagues from Germany, the plant was successfully completed within 15 months. 

First sugar factory for Iraq

In close collaboration between the engineering teams at BMA Germany, BMA MENA Industries and BMA Automation, Iraq’s first sugar factory with a capacity of 3,000 t/d is currently under construction. Since early 2014, locally based engineers have been providing assembly support and managing the whole project. In close coordination with the customer, Etihad Food Industries, a tailor-made solution that takes into account all local circumstances is thus evolving (see also the article here).

Dr. Mohsen Makina
BMA MENA Industries
