
A closer look at BMA Academy

Understanding complex production processes, increasing output, exploring your potential: BMA Academy's wide range of courses give you an insight, broaden your vision and sharpen your understanding.

New potential comes from knowledge. BMA Academy has been offering operator training and employee courses, as well as workshops, all related to BMA equipment and work processes, since the end of last year.

BMA Academy's varied training programme has been very well received. Both customers and employees have praised the detailed and accessible style in which complex content is presented. Our courses can be held on the customer's premises, at a suitable external location or at BMA's own training facilities. They are designed for engaging, transparent and clear knowledge transfer – so you can explore the full potential of your BMA equipment and processes.

Take a look at some of the courses that we have offered in the past:

Operator training "Extraction" held at Nordzucker AG

More than 30 operators from all German Nordzucker plants came to Uelzen to attend this in-house course on extraction. They were able to view BMA extraction plants, as well as learning about the fundamental principles and steps of the extraction process. Particularly interesting aspects were a presentation of possible solutions to individual extraction issues, and an organised tour of the extraction tower. All participants agreed that they would definitely recommend this on-site course. Click to view the photos

Operator training "Centrifugals" held at Südzucker AG

In February, this year's first course on BMA centrifugals was held at Südzucker AG in Plattling.

After an engaging and comprehensive presentation, there was ample time for animated discussions between the participants and the speaker. This was followed by a hands-on session on the BMA centrifugal, accompanied by clear explanations, hints and tips, and providing many opportunities for questions.

The 15 participants particularly enjoyed the varied and hands-on approach. They were also unanimous in recommending this in-house course. Click to view the photos

Sugar factory visit for BMA employees

Expertise and knowledge are essential for tackling professional challenges of today. In line with BMA's principle of "professionalism", BMA Academy therefore offers BMA employees from different fields this opportunity to expand their knowledge of beet processing.

A group of BMA employees joined an excursion to the Uelzen sugar factory, to see for themselves how sugar beet is turned into crystallised sugar. Following a highly informative tour of the entire Nordzucker plant, the newly motivated BMA employees returned to Braunschweig with the positive impressions they had gained. Many thanks to Nordzucker for their kind invitation and for giving such an exellent tour of the plant!

Exhibition at BMA Braunschweig: interactive model of a sugar factory

Over several weeks, the reception area at BMA featured a much talked about exhibit that found many enthusiasts: an interactive model of a sugar factory. The individual modules of this impressive piece of work had been built in the training facilities of Nordzucker AG. We would like to thank Nordzucker AG for their kind loan. Click to view the photos

Series of courses "Sugar Technology" at BMA in Braunschweig (ongoing)

This series of courses gives new employees a first glimpse of the basics of sugar production. It is also an opportunity for all staff to refresh and update their knowledge. The courses run over several weeks and are regularly offered by BMA in Braunschweig.

Would you like to find out more about BMA training courses, seminars and workshops? Please click here for further information about BMA Academy.