
A second refinery for Taiwan

The cultivation of sugar cane used to have the same importance for Southwest Taiwan as coal mining did for the Ruhr district of Germany. But those days are long gone; their only reminder are the so-called Sugar Railways. Today, most sugar in Taiwan is either imported or produced in the country‘s only sugar refinery, owned by the Taiwan Sugar Corporation. Taiwan Leading Sugar Co., Ltd. (TLS) are a new conglomerate of Taiwanese investors intent on changing that, with (a little) help from BMA.

International experts from all disciplines

TLS had first approached BMA in mid-2012 with their plans for a sugar refinery. They had commissioned Fuhbic International Corp., a reputable EPC contractor from Southeast Asia, with the design and construction of the plant. But since this was completely new ground for both companies, they engaged the services of BMA for the project, thus securing the assistance of an internationally experienced business. In a first step, BMA carried out the engineering work for the refinery process, with vitally important project support from BMA’s representative in Asia, Trans-Asia Consulting & Trade Co. (TACT).

Before the formal signing of the contract on 24 October 2013, numerous meetings were held to prepare and coordinate the work. Particularly juice purification was the topic of intensive discussions. This process step does not feature in BMA’s portfolio and was therefore implemented with the support of our Australian partner, Jord International Pty. Ltd.

The factory will be initially built for a capacity of 1,000 t/d. A second construction phase to upgrade the capacity to 1,250 t/d is already included in BMA’s engineering plans. The aim is to start operation towards the end of 2015.

Perfect conditions for future success

The refinery will be located in the port district of Taichung, Taiwan’s third largest city with a population of 2.6 million. At roughly two hours’ drive south of the capital Taipei, it will thus be strategically placed at the centre of the country, between the cities of Kaohsiung and Taipei, and separated from the Chinese mainland only by a narrow strait.

One of the reasons for choosing 24 October 2013 for the signing of the contract was that in the Chinese calendar for 2013 this was considered a particularly auspicious date for concluding business deals.

BMA will contribute all its experience to make the most of these excellent conditions for success.

Dirk Meyer
