
BMA America – growth across all areas

BMA America and Brewer Steel can look back on 2013 as a year of steady growth and development, both in terms of their business activities and their investments to improve the office situation at Greeley, Colorado.

Bringing together skills and expertise

A major step in the development of our US subsidiaries BMA America and Brewer Steel has been their merger, which took effect on January 1, 2014. While keeping the BMA Brewer Steel brand, the company will in future operate under the name BMA America Inc. The merger was a logical step, with both companies working in the same location for years already, particularly because it will now be easier to exploit synergies within the company.

A refurbishment of the offices at Greeley ensured that there would be sufficient room for the higher number of BMA staff, while also creating an enhanced, up-to-date working environment. In addition, the new conference room provides a place of work for external colleagues.

Our employees are not the only ones to benefit from the merger. Customers will now have easier access to the extended range of products and services offered by the “new” BMA America Inc. – as well as being able to enjoy the combined benefits of Brewer Steel’s extensive experience and expertise in mechanical engineering and BMA America’s high standard of service.

Project success across the Americas

In addition to BMA America’s steadily growing business in frac tanks, which are currently being licensed for South America, two projects have mainly come to symbolize success in the Americas:

BMA America sold its first E-series centrifugal in North America, an E1390, to Florida Crystals. The E1390 has an additional major benefit, besides its innovative features and highly efficient operation: its footprint is exactly the same as the old machines’, which ensures effortless replacement. Another E1390 will be installed for Cristobal Colon in the Dominican Republic, while an E1810 will go to El Viejo in Costa Rica. These are two flagship projects for E-series centrifugals, which are evidence of BMA America’s success on the South American market.

Another project was completed in early 2014. This involved supply of a new drum dryer and fluidized bed cooler to the American Sugar Company (ACS). ACS was among BMA America’s major projects in 2013 and was realized in collaboration with BMA Germany. While BMA America took care of sales and project management, BMA Germany was responsible for technology and processes. The engineering was shared by both companies, and most manufacturing was carried out jointly by Brewer Steel and BMA America. For details, please read the ACS article in this issue of BMA Info.

Cristin Mayer
BMA America
