
BMA assists with technological consulting services

Around the globe, BMA is well known as a supplier of machinery, equipment and plants, including the necessary process-specific designs. What is less known is that BMA also provides assistance as a consulting partner who brings many benefits to the customer.

Analyses and optimisation of the low-raw service in beet and cane sugar factories

These can comprise: 

  • Survey of the current situation in the factory (technological values, equipment)
  • Laboratory analyses of a molasses sample, to determine the molasses desugarisation values that are theoretically possible
  • Preparation of a report in which the results of the molasses analyses are presented, together with proposals for possible optimisation measures

Optimisation of practical plant operation

This can comprise: 

  • On-site assistance for the optimisation of the evaporator station and steam-consuming equipment, such as vacuum pans and heat exchangers (possibly combined with a heat balance)
  • Technological optimisation of extraction plants
  • Improvement of crystallisation work (more uniform and reduced steam consumption, improvement of product quality)

Support with equipment and plant commissioning

BMA can provide assistance with the commissioning of the complete main sugar factory process or individual factory stations. This can, for instance, be done by giving the factory staff the necessary instructions for operation.

Training of plant engineers and plant operators

BMA also offers training modules for plant engineers and plant operators on request. These can comprise:

  • Technological fundamentals
  • Practical plant and equipment operation
  • Equipment servicing

The above examples relate to customer projects that have actually been implemented. What our customers appreciate in particular with our consulting services is the in-depth theoretical knowledge of our experts, paired with their practical involvement with the issue on hand. Here, too, the high qualification standard of BMA’s experts pays off, which is the result of research and development activities, practical engineering work and vast experience in the field.

Steffen Kaufmann, Dr. Andreas Lehnberger
