
BMA attends trade events in Brazil

The BMA Group is aiming for greater brand visibility and promoting its products for sugar cane and alcohol, hence its attendance of two major international trade events in Brazil in 2013.

Positive response from trade visitors

The first event was the 28th Sugar Cane Congress, organised by the International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists (ISSCT) and held from 24 to 27 June in São Paulo. After 1977 and 1989, this was Brazil’s third time as the host country – which clearly shows the major role it plays in this sector. Researchers and scientists from a range of countries attended the 2013 event, presenting more than 500 papers and topics.

Dr. Andreas Lehnberger from BMA Germany presented a study entitled “Falling-film evaporator plant for a cane sugar factory: presentation of the concept and operating results”. This had been prepared in collaboration with Indian Cane Power (ICPL). The findings presented show the excellent performance of BMA falling-film evaporators in the cane sugar industry and made a lasting impression on trade visitors from Brazil and other countries. At the end of the presentation, there were many requests for more technical details for this type of equipment.

A fascinating look inside the centrifugal

The second major event was the FENASUCRO trade fair, the largest of its kind for the sugar and alcohol industry. This was held from 27 to 30 August in Sertãozinho, in the Brazilian state of São Paulo. Sertãozinho is considered Brazil’s most important centre for the manufacture of machinery for the sugar and alcohol industry.

It is the fourth consecutive time that BMA has attended the fair. This year’s highlight of the BMA exhibition stand was a K3300 continuous centrifugal, which attracted a good many visitors. The assets of this machine, which had been brought to Brazil especially for the occasion, were clearly visible.

To permit visitors to look inside the centrifugal, one of the side panels and the cover for screen installation had been made from transparent material. Anyone interested could thus see for themselves the perfect state and outstanding design on the inside of the machine. All surfaces of the centrifugal on show that come into contact with the massecuite, syrup or any liquids are made from stainless steel. The machine’s high- lights include its innovative design and easy-to- handle compact size. With its low height, the centrifugal also permits a view of the basket, a new staged-type basket with two inclination angles, which contributes significantly to the outstanding technical performance of the K3300. The stainless steel operator panel also impressed visitors: as it is positioned on the centrifugal at an easily accessible height for the operator, it permits easy control of the process.

Worldwide sales of the K3300 have been very successful since its market launch in 2009, and it was clearly very popular in Brazil, too.

Henrique Degen
BMA Brasil
