
BMA batch centrifugals of the latest generation for Tatarstan

In the wake of perestroika events, BMA‘s first important steps onto the Russian market were for sugar factories in Tatarstan. But it was not until several years later that the first major BMA equipment could be installed under the responsibility of reliable investors.

Persistence pays off

Concrete intentions to replace the centrifugals in the Buinsk sugar factory were first expressed more than ten years ago, and BMA submitted a new quotation almost every year. However, either the financial means never seemed to be available or investments were required more urgently elsewhere.

In April 2012, the factory invited bids for the supply of centrifugals, and BMA submitted a quotation for B1750 machines.

After tender negotiations in Kazan, BMA was awarded the contract against international competition. In view of the development stage that the new E series had reached by that time, BMA was able to offer the customer the additional benefits of the new E1810 while negotiations were still underway. This was the first time that machines of the latest generation could successfully put their excellent technical and technological benefits to the test in Russia.

Confidence placed in BMA

In December 2012, both sides finally signed a contract for the supply of three E1810 batch centrifugals and four K3300 continuous centrifugals for the Buinsk sugar factory.

As a sign of the confidence the investors place in BMA, the owner decided to sign another contract for the supply of centrifugals for their second factory in Sergach (Nizhny Novgorod region) in May 2013, even before the machines of the first order had been delivered. This factory, too, was to receive three E1810 batch centrifugals and four K3300 continuous centrifugals (B product and C product).

Supervision of assembly and commissioning of the new centrifugals was successfully carried out in both factories by experts from BMA Russia, who had been given extensive training for both the previous and the new generation of centrifugals. Both contracts were therefore completed to the absolute satisfaction of the factories.

Harald Veleta
