
BMA China: international cooperation heading for success

In BMA Info 51/2013, we reported that CAMC (China CAMC Engineering Co., Ltd.), BMA Germany and BMA China had signed an international cooperation agreement for the construction of a sugar cane diffuser in Bolivia. The first phase of this contract is now nearing completion.

Challenging tasks for the project management

With each of the three partners delivering part of the order, close communication and coordination across borders were necessary – a particular challenge. The individual components will only be assembled at the construction site in Bolivia, so they need to fit together seamlessly!

The project management in Germany is faced with a complex coordination task, having to both overcome language barriers and reconcile the different technical norms and standards. For instance, the standard labels for steel alloys used in Germany cannot simply be applied to steel types available in China. And certain welding methods are commonly used in Germany but not in China, where the specified electrode material is therefore not available. Issues like these have had to be dealt with and solutions found – such as providing welding electrodes from Germany and training the Chinese welders in the specified welding method.

Another step to ensure successful implementation was the selection of subcontractors in China. BMA China made a preliminary selection of potential qualified suppliers, who were then audited by BMA Germany. Their manufacturing methods, quality assurance processes, references and certificates were audited and the results were crucial in the selection of the most suitable partners for the project.

Superior quality is the benchmark

Quality assurance has proved to be another considerable challenge. To ensure a level of quality that complies with BMA standards, BMA Germany and BMA China have been engaging in lively correspondence, BMA experts have made regular visits to the selected subcontractors, and final acceptance inspections of the parts to be supplied have been performed by an expert from BMA Germany’s QA team. Only parts that comply with the QA expert’s uncompromising standards are released for shipment or for transfer to the next manufacturing level.

All these measures ensure that the completed diffuser for Bolivia will be a truly global product – whose quality and reliability are nevertheless true BMA standard.

Ralf Sänger
BMA China
