
New CEO for BMA America

With effect from 3 October 2016, Zhambul Zhuasbekov has been appointed as General Manager of BMA America, based in Greeley, CO.

Zhuasbekov is a very experienced manager to take the helm at BMA America. He has known the BMA Group for many years. In 2011, the Board of Directors in Braunschweig appointed him once before to a management position. Under his leadership, BMA Russia has since become a leading supplier to the Russian sugar industry, with a 120-strong workforce today.

Zhuasbekov is expected to achieve a similar success in the United States. The Greeley-based company has been serving the sugar industry for over 20 years, initially North America, later also the Latin American market. In addition, many manufacturing and agricultural firms in Colorado have been relying on BMA production capacities for custom contract manufacturing. The new man to lead BMA America is expected to expand both business fields. “We will focus in particular on engineering services and the delivery of complete solutions for the sugar industry”, says Zhuasbekov.

“We are fortunate to have gained Zhambul Zhuasbekov, with his excellent knowledge of the international sugar industry, for expanding our business in the Americas, says Uwe Schwanke, CTO of BMA AG. Zhambul Zhuasbekov's career in the sugar industry spans about 20 years, during which time he has held a number of management positions in sugar factories and sugar companies. He started out as Production Director of Sugar Holding in Moscow, later joining BMA Russia as General Manager.