
Non-stop delivery: BMA build their 500th K3300 centrifugal

Saving the best till last: as 2016 came to a close, BMA received the order to supply their 500th K3300 centrifugal. Installations of the current generation of continuous BMA centrifugals in more than 160 sugar factories across the globe place it among the most popular products to date built by the plant engineers from Braunschweig.

The K3300’s market success has been impressive, even more so considering it was launched only about 6 years ago. “If sales of the K series continue along these lines, the model could soon become a veritable bestseller!” says Uwe Schwanke, member of the BMA Board of Directors and CTO. BMA currently ships an average of 2.5 centrifugals per week, putting it firmly at the top of the group of manufacturers. Not many other suppliers have sold more centrifugals of a similar type within such a time.

BMA launched the K3300 in 2010. Its compact square design was – and still is – just one impressive aspect. Smooth running makes for a long life. With rapid yet gentle heating, the stepped Turbo-3 massecuite distributor prepares viscous massecuite perfectly for centrifugation. Most syrup is already separated at the preseparation stage, permitting higher throughputs than with a traditional conical centrifugal basket and therefore greater efficiency in plant operation. With the double-angled basket, sugar crystals of maximum purity and quality can be extracted.

“The K3300’s market success has inspired us to expand our K series”, says Silke Stiegert, Senior Manager Product Business at BMA. In just a few months’ time, a new addition to this centrifugal family is expected. Exciting news!

More about the K3300.