
Russian pioneers

VKT for a competitive edge in the Russian sugar market

The Russian sugar industry is driving the extension and upgrade of its production sites and BMA plays a key role in this development. The result: a significant increase in output.

Birth of a showcase project

In Tambov oblast in southern Russia, a groundbreaking upgrade project is nearing completion. Russia‘s first VKT was delivered to the Znamenskiy sugar factory in April 2015. Ordered by the customer Rusagro Group, one of Russia‘s leading sugar producers, the new plant was designed and supplied by BMA.

It is thanks to the strong commitment by Denis Kalinin, project manager for BMA Russia, that the Znamenskiy sugar factory has become a showcase project for the Russian sugar sector. “There is much need for upgrading in Russia“, says Kalinin. “All it took, really, was finding out what projects were running and making contact with the top management. After just one meeting, it was clear what BMA could do to help increase output.“

Winning arguments

When the Rusagro Group invited tenders for a new project from selected bidders, BMA was among them – and submitted the winning bid. Design work is currently well underway. Thanks to the excellent collaboration between the engineering team at BMA Russia and those in charge at Rusagro, Russia will soon be among the countries to benefit from the most energy-efficient vacuum pan for sugar crystallisation.

So what else does the new plant achieve, other than impressive energy savings? The figures speak for themselves: instead of 6,000 tons of sugar beet per day, the plant will process 8,000 t/d.

This increase will be achieved in two steps: from 6,000 to 6,500, and from 6,500 to 8000 t/d. “Tambov oblast will set an example for the whole region“, says Kalinin, “demonstrating how BMA technology can gain you a competitive edge in the
sugar market.“ In addition to its highquality products, it is BMA‘s comprehensive service that wins over customers such as the Znamenskiy sugar factory. With such a winning combination, project success is only a matter of time. “We are confident that more projects will follow in Russia“, concludes Kalinin.

Zhambul Zhuasbekov
BMA Russia