
Scientific exchange across the globe

BMA at international conferences

BMA has been presenting the latest developments from current international sugar industry projects at conferences across the globe. The report on the upgrade and capacity extension of the ICPL cane sugar factory is a recent outstanding example. Authors Andreas Lehnberger, Fahmi Brahim and S. S. Mallikarjun presented their findings concerning the now considerably reduced energy need at the ISSCT (International Society of Sugar Cane Technologists) conference. Their paper received much attention and has since been published in the reputable International Sugar Journal.

At the same time, BMA and ICPL have together made further improvements in the efficient use of energy. In 2014, these achievements were presented for discussion in an amended and updated paper to an international audience of industry experts, at the 48th Annual Convention of the Pakistan Society of Sugar Technologists and at the ISSCT Workshop on Engineering and Processing in South Africa.

For information about current events and a list of all BMA publications, please go to www.bma-worldwide.com/news-and-events/publications

The way in which the issues energy savings and the correct use of falling-film evaporators were received, particularly in the cane sugar industry, illustrates the high technical level at which our BMA experts are integrated in the international debate between sugar technologists and operators. In recognition of our experts‘ fact-based approach to presenting issues, BMA statements are often used as sound sources of information.

At the 36th Annual Conference of the Australian Society of Sugar Cane Technologists, BMA‘s presentation of innovations in its latest generation of centrifugals was met with great interest. BMA will continue to contribute to technical and technological advances in the sugar industry at conferences around the globe.

Irma Geyer