BMA puts world’s largest beet sugar factory on track

New equipment to significantly increase Canal Sugar efficiency

With a detailed basic concept and specific technology improvements, BMA is helping Canal Sugar in Egypt reach its huge processing capacity. The aim is for the beet sugar factory to exploit its full potential. 

Partnership between Canal Sugar and BMA

Since it was commissioned in 2021, Canal Sugar has not yet reached the expected 36,000 tpd capacity. The beet sugar factory contacted BMA for help, specifying its target figure and the objective of using the full capacity. 

BMA: two extraction towers for beet sugar factory 

During the original planning phase and construction of the plant, a number of technical solutions and pricing options had been considered. The extraction towers from BMA selected for the upstream processes have proven to be both efficient and reliable. However, other areas of the factory have unfortunately still not achieved the expected capacity. 

Basic concept from BMA for increase in factory efficiency 

On site in the Egyptian desert near Minya, the engineers from BMA carried out a thorough analysis of the whole process. They compiled their results in a basic concept, in which BMA recommends specific actions that would significantly improve the factory’s efficiency and production capacity. This concept forms the basis for the planned technology upgrade. 

New equipment for technology improvements  

The project aims to implement plants that meet the ambitious plans for the world’s largest beet sugar factory. BMA will be responsible for supplying the key components, designed to improve performance and efficiency. They include falling-film evaporators, vertical continuous pans (VKT), batch pans (DVK), cooling crystallisers (OVC) and K3300F batch centrifugals

Industry trailblazers Canal Sugar and BMA 

Canal Sugar has good reasons for placing its trust in us: the excellent performance of our extraction towers and our outstanding reputation in Egypt, not least thanks to the construction of the Al Nouran sugar factory.  

Both Canal Sugar and BMA will benefit from this partnership in the long term. For BMA, the work on a sugar factory of such impressive dimensions opens up new perspectives. The experiences gained in this project will help us to refine our concepts and technologies. 

Efficiency gains in sugar production thanks to plants from BMA 

The equipment developed especially for Canal Sugar has been designed to significantly improve the performance of the world’s largest beet sugar factory. With the implementation of this cutting-edge technology, BMA has once again shown itself to be a key player when it comes to increasing efficiency in the global sugar sector.