Bor Şeker sugar factory doubles capacity with support from BMA

Equipment optimised with upgraded process stations

From 5,000 to 10,000 tpd of beet: the Bor Şeker sugar factory in Turkey is planning to double its daily processing capacity, relying on technology support and expertise from BMA.

Basic concept from BMA: the key element in capacity upgrade

First talks between Bor Şeker and BMA about the options for a capacity upgrade date back to 2019. As a first step, BMA recommended a detailed basic concept to determine the necessary technical and infrastructure measures. Bor Şeker was originally planning a capacity upgrade to 8,500 tpd of beet. 

On-site analysis by BMA for equipment optimisation  

In 2020, a team of BMA engineers travelled to Niğde to analyse operating conditions in the sugar factory. Their analysis aimed to identify efficient and economically beneficial development plans for a capacity upgrade. 

Technologies from BMA: from extraction to crystallisation  

In their comprehensive analysis and the subsequent basic concept, our engineers focused on key areas such as the extraction plant, evaporation, crystallisation, centrifugation, and drying and cooling. These areas are critical, with the upgrade and installation of new equipment from BMA expected to achieve a significant increase in production capacity. 

New targets: capacity upgrade to 10,000 tpd 

Following an assessment of the overall context and the agricultural potential of the area surrounding Niğde in 2021, Bor Şeker realised that far larger quantities of beet could be sourced there than originally thought. Achieving a capacity of 10,000 tpd of beet would then be possible, taking the project to a completely new level. 

BMA supplies cutting-edge extraction plant to Bor Şeker 

BMA suggested using the findings from the basic concept as a starting point, to reassess the individual process stations in collaboration with Bor Şeker. The early process steps were a major bottleneck, particularly beet preparation and extraction. Bor Şeker opted for installation of a new, fully automated extraction plant including an extraction tower, a countercurrent cossette mixer and the relevant ancillary equipment. 

New extraction plant installed at Bor Şeker sugar factory 

BMA completed production of the extraction tower and countercurrent cossette mixer and delivered them to Bor Şeker in 2023. The extraction plant is designed to process 10,000 tpd of beet. Final commissioning is scheduled in time for the 2024/2025 campaign. 

Technological progress: installation of new vertical continuous pan 

The basic concept had recommended making significant improvements in crystallisation, particularly by installing a vertical continuous pan and K3300F batch centrifugals from BMA. The existing batch pans will continue to operate processing B and C product, while A product will be processed by a new vertical continuous pan (VKT) from BMA. Commissioning of the VKT and new K3300F centrifugals under the supervision of several experts from BMA is also planned in time for the 2024/2025 campaign. BMA is proud to be part of this project and to support Bor Şeker with technology solutions. 

Outlook: optimisation of crystallisation and drying 

This sugar factory upgrade has strengthened the long-standing partnership between BMA and Bor Şeker. By combining proven solutions with innovative technologies, factory capacity will double. Ongoing talks about future plans have been focusing on the optimisation of additional process areas, such as crystallisation with a new cooling crystalliser (OVC), and drying.